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Regulatory Operations Manual

The Regulatory Operations Manual is under development. It will document procedures for operational tasks in one place, in an easy to read format.

In July 2020 we asked Operations Officers to tell us what operational tasks they perform and what procedures they use for those tasks. We found that the majority of operational tasks did not have a commonly shared procedure.

We are now seeking your feedback on the procedures we should prioritise, to most help you in your role.

[Add one or two sentences about the document].

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (the EPA) is consulting with the community and stakeholders before [the next step]. Your views on the [sections] proposed in the [document] are highly valued and will inform the development of [the next step].

We want to get your feedback on:

  • [Negotiable one]

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  • [Negotiable two]

    [Use feature description if title is long]

  • [Negotiable three]​

    [Use feature description if title is long]

  • [Negotiable four]​

    [Use feature description if title is long]

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