Consultation is now closed

Thank you for your feedback on the new Recovered Soil Order and Exemption. Consultation is now closed.

Why it matters

Recovered Soil

The NSW Environment Protection Authority is developing a new order and exemption for recovered soil.

New Recovered Soil Order and Exemption

We are seeking feedback on the conditions of a new Recovered Soil Order and Exemption. Have a read and tell us what you think.

The Recovered Soil Order and Exemption was proposed to facilitate the reuse of processed excavated material, which may include the processing of soil. It can be reused for earthworks and as engineering fill. The order and exemption contain certain regulatory requirements that must be met by suppliers and users of the material.

We sought feedback from the community, licensees, consultants, local councils, waste and industry associations. Following consultation the EPA will not change the existing recovered fines and orders exemptions, meaning the current rules remain in place. For more information on the outcome see here.

  • Question 1

    Are the conditions understood?

  • Question 2

    Do they provide clarity regarding the definition of recovered soil?

  • Question 3

    Are they representative of recovered soil generation and reuse?

Have your say

Public consultation on the Recovered Soil Order and Exemption is now closed.

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Please note, your feedback on the Recovered Soil Order and Exemption may include ‘personal information,' including your name, address, email, internet protocol address and any other personal information contained in your feedback.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (the EPA) must comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Visit the EPA’s privacy page and the Privacy Policy for further information on its online consultation platform.

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