Why it matters

A new way to regulate biosolids

Our understanding and experience of how to manage biosolids has increased considerably since we developed the rules that apply to the reuse of biosolids. New contaminants of concern have emerged in the past 25 years and it is important that our regulation of biosolids is fit for purpose and protective of human health and the environment.

Toward better regulation

We are seeking your feedback on a new approach to regulating biosolids in NSW

The work we are doing to review the regulation of biosolids and best practice approaches is of interest to other Australian as well as international jurisdictions.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has consulted with:

  • the community
  • local councils
  • Aboriginal Land Councils
  • EPA licenced sewage treatment plant operators
  • waste associations and contractors
  • composters
  • farmers and landowners
  • mining operators
  • research institutions
  • other government agencies and jurisdictions.

We wanted to understand how changes to the regulation of biosolids may affect different industry sectors and businesses, and whether support is needed.

Your views on the questions posed in the Biosolids Regulatory Review Issues Paper are highly valued and will inform the development of the Biosolids Regulatory Approach.

You can read the Engagement Outcomes Report in the Document Library.

We received your feedback on:

  • Regulation of biosolids

  • Biosolids Guidelines Technical Review

  • Future regulatory approach

Have your say

Public consultation on the NSW Biosolids Regulatory Review is now closed.

Your privacy

Please note, your feedback may include ‘personal information,' including your name, address, email, internet protocol address and any other personal information contained in your feedback.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (the EPA) must comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Visit the EPA’s privacy page and the Privacy Policy for further information on its online consultation platform.

The EPA may publish all or part of your feedback on its website, on its online consultation platform or in a consultation report. In providing us with your feedback, you consent to the EPA publishing all or part of your submission. If you would like all or part of your feedback to be withheld from publication, please let us know when making your feedback.

If you send us an email, we will record your email for the purpose of responding to you.

All information held by the EPA is subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.