Why it matters
The Roadshow
Thanks to everyone that attended the half-day forums we held at regional and metropolitan locations throughout February and March 2021. We valued these forums as opportunities to meet with councils and licensees at 12 locations across NSW.
There was a half-day forum for local councils in the morning and a half-day forum for Protection of the Environment (POEO) licensees in the afternoon. Through roundtable sessions we discussed local environmental matters including waste management, contaminated lands, planning and development and emergency and incident management.
To stay informed around future forums, visit our Roadshows webpage.
Future EPA Roadshows
More Roadshows are planned. To provide a better service to our stakeholders, we have moved to the EPA website.
Your privacy
Please note, your feedback may include ‘personal information,' including your name, address, email, internet protocol address and any other personal information contained in your feedback.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (the EPA) must comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Visit the EPA’s privacy page and the Privacy Policy for further information on its online consultation platform.
If you send us an email, we will record your email for the purpose of responding to you.
All information held by the EPA is subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.