Improves guidance for activities taking place outside the recommended standard hours of work
Photos courtesy of Transport for NSW
Consultation is now closed
Thank you for your feedback on the Construction Noise Guideline. Consultation is now closed.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) received 46 submissions on the proposed Construction Noise Guideline between 18 January and 30 April 2021. We also ran five presentations to stakeholders that were attended by over 200 people. Your input on the management of construction noise was invaluable.
Why it matters
Guideline for construction noise
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has produced a draft Construction Noise Guideline. The Guideline sets out a framework for the management of construction noise that ensures all feasible and reasonable mitigation measures are used to manage impacts. Once finalised and released, this Guideline will replace the interim guideline dated 2009.
The EPA consulted with construction proponents (both private and public), consent and approval authorities, designers, engineers, contractors, commercial and industrial developers and the community before finalising the Guideline.
We sought your feedback to make sure the Guideline:
Provides a simplified assessment path for routine activities undertaken by public authorities
Emphasises the need to engage the community when planning how to manage construction noise impacts
Aligns the level of assessment required with the risk of construction noise impact
Your privacy
Please note, your feedback on the Construction Noise Guideline may include ‘personal information,' including your name, address, email, internet protocol address and any other personal information contained in your feedback.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (the EPA) must comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Visit the EPA’s privacy page and the Privacy Policy for further information on its online consultation platform.
The EPA may publish part of your feedback in a consultation summary report. In providing us with your feedback, you consent to the EPA publishing part of your submission. If you would like your feedback to be withheld from publication, please let us know when making your feedback.
If you send us an email, we will record your email for the purpose of responding to you.
All information held by the EPA is subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.